Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Right Thing To Do

I heard the president say today that the congress should pass his health care reform bill because it is the right thing to do. How I wish that our governmental representatives were motivated by doing what is right.

Some politicians probably really have persuaded themselves that they are doing right when they vote for bigger and bigger government. But somewhere deep down, they have to know that something is wrong.

Spending is more than out of control. It is on auto-pilot, set to ratchet up every day and every year. While we owe so much money that we'll never pay it off, we are borrowing more. This week we are extending unemployment benefits, for only $10 billion. Chump change.

Everywhere I turn, I see more government spending. On the radio I hear commercial after commercial about some federal government info website. These commercials cost money and we are broke. I heard one yesterday directing me to a .gov website that will tell me how to be a better father. I'm all for good parenting, but the government has no business telling me how to raise my children.

Maybe there is a website that gives budgeting tips.


  1. Unemployment benefits, in the USA, are not paid by the government, so extending them does not incur more debt for the government.

  2. If the gov't weren't paying for the benefits, then congress wouldn't have to approve them.

    Regardless, my point is that spending is way out of control, such that we may have to default on our debt.

  3. Federal law mandates employers pay unemployment benefits to laid off employees for a certain length of time, if the employee has not obtained another job. Extending the length of time employers must pay unemployment benefits requires an act of Congress.

    Your point may or may not be valid. This evidence you have cited, neither, supports nor condemns your argument. It is a 'red herring' in layman's terms. Unless, you can logically connect the mandated spending of companies with government spending.
